STOPit was introduced to MTMS in June 2018

Ultimately the STOPit app allows students to "say something" if they "see something."

What Students Report...

                                                                      • Bullying/Cyberbullying
                                                                      • Inappropriate student/teacher relationships
                                                                      • Violence/Threats
                                                                      • Hazing
                                                                      • Weapons Possession
                                                                      • Drugs/Alcohol
                                                                      • Substance Abuse
                                                                      • Intolerance/Discrimination


Students can sign up for free by downloading the app from the Apple Store or Google Play...
Our school's unique access code is MTMSBulldogs.


**Anyone who files a report/claim he/she knows to be false will be held responsible and reported to an appropriate law enforcement agency for processing.
Under no circumstances will false reports ever be considered "a joke" or "minor mischief." They will be immediately reported.**


Questions? Please contact the main office 973-543-7107


What is STOPit?

Middle School Student Launch Video