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General Information

Distance Learning 2021

The Distance Learning configuration is in effect when ALL of our students are off-campus and are engaged in online learning from 8am to 2pm daily.  Almost all classes begin with teacher live steams through YouTube, Google Meet, or Zoom and include assignments through Google Classroom and third party vendors such as Khan Academy, IXL, and Readworks.  All special needs are met through small chat rooms, video conferencing, and phone calls.  Every MTMS student participates in school-wide SEL lessons, Art, Music, Technology and PE classes 7 times per week.

-Students who need extra help after hours can find it here.

-All homework assignments and testing calendars are located here.

-All official grades are located on Oncourse Connect Grade Portal... here

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me at pciccone@mendhamtwp.org 

Distance Screen Shots