Mathematics Flow Chart of Courses
Grades 5 - 8
MTMS mathematics classes begin in 5th grade with all students taking the same level Math 5 course.
Typically, there are 5 math sections per grade level at MTMS. Math 6 has one accelerated math section. Math 7 has two accelerated math sections. And in 8th grade, there are three Honors Algebra 1 sections and two Math 8 (pre-algebra) sections. There is also a handful of 8th graders taking Honors Geometry. Some years there are students taking Honors Algebra 2 as well. This flow of courses provides ALL students an opportunity to gain access into accelerated math with each successive year.
The flow chart below illustrates the progression of MTMS math courses from 5th through 8th grade. The red percentage in the lower right hand corner of each course box APPROXIMATES the percentage of students at each grade level participating in a specific course. Students in accelerated math classes who do not maintain a B average will be dropped from the accelerated course in the following year.
Mathematics Placement / Eligibility Requirements
All eligibility questions should be directed to Dr. Ciccone at
Current Fourth Graders:
All student entering fifth grade will participate in one level of Math 5.
Current Fifth and Sixth Graders:
All students in fifth and sixth grades will participate in mathematics placement tests in May to determine eligibility for accelerated mathematics. The placement tests are part of a matrix including teacher recommendations and ‘end-of-year’ mathematics grades, which are used to determine eligibility into accelerated mathematics in grades 6 (one section) and 7 (two sections). All accelerated and non-accelerated sections are heterogeneously grouped.
Current Seventh Graders:
Typically we will facilitate two sections of Grade 8 Math and three sections of Honors Algebra . The following criteria is used to determine 8th grade mathematics placement;
Who is eligible for Honors Algebra 1?
1. Students who are currently taking Accelerated Math 7 AND earn a ‘year end math average’ greater than or equal to 79.5%.
2. Students who are currently taking Math 7 and earn a ‘year end math average’ greater than or equal to 93.5%.
Who is eligible for Grade 8 Math?
1. Students who are currently taking Accelerated Math 7 who earn ‘year end math average’ below 79.5%.
2. Students who are currently taking Math 7 and earn a ‘year end math average’ below 93.5%.