Curriculum / Course Offerings / Retention

Our Principal and teachers develop extremely rigorous curricula and focused academic programming within a highly clinical environment. Outcomes are designed to prepare ALL students for the Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate (IB) programs offered at West Morris Mendham High School. Students are grouped heterogeneously in courses defined by high expectations and even higher levels of teacher support. Grade level teams have time earmarked each day to meet with parents.

MTMS Course Offerings

Fifth Grade Offerings           Sixth Grade Offerings

Mathematics 5                                                             Mathematics 6 (One Accelerated Section)

Problem Solving (1 period /week)                                         Problem Solving (1 period /week)

Math Computations (1 period /week)                                    Math Computations (1 period /week)

Language Arts                                                             Language Arts

Integrated Science                                                       Science

Social Studies                                                              Social Studies

Health/Physical Education                                          Health / Physical Education

General Music (1/3 yr. related art)                                   General Music (1/3 yr. related art)

Art (1/3 yr. related art)                                                     Art (1/3 yr. related art)

Academic Lab (2 periods/week)                                      Academic Lab (2 periods /week)

Computer Class (1/3 yr. related art)                                 Computer Class (1/3 yr. related art)

Spanish (3 periods/week)                                                Spanish (3 periods/week)

Advisory Program (1 period /week)                                      Advisory Program (1 period /week)

Basic Skills Support / Enrichment / Quest                  Enrichment / Quest

                                                                                     Law Enforcement Against Drugs (L.E.A.D.)


Seventh Grade Offerings:      Eighth Grade Offerings:

Mathematics 7 (two Accelerated Sections)                           Mathematics 8

Problem Solving (1 period /week)                                             Problem Solving (1 period /week)

Honors Algebra                                                              Honors Algebra

Quest                                                                               Honors Geometry

Language Arts                                                                 Language Arts

Science                                                                            Science

Social Studies                                                                 Social Studies

Health / Physical Education                                           Health / Physical Education

General Music (1/3 yr. related art)                                      General Music (1/3 yr. related art)

Art (1/3 yr. related art)                                                         Art (1/3 yr. related art)

Computer Class (1/3 yr. related art)                                    Computer Class (1/3 yr. related art)

Spanish (5 periods/week)                                                    Spanish / French (5 periods/week)

Spanish for Daily Use (2 periods/week)                                   Spanish for Daily Use (2 periods/week)

Academic Lab (3 periods/week)                                         Academic Lab (3 periods/week)


Please note the following with regard to 5th and 6th grade Health / Physical Education Program:

1. Fifth and Sixth graders will not ‘change’ for physical education;

2. Fifth and Sixth graders will earn pass or fail rating on marking period report cards for health;&

3. The ‘Advisory Program’ during period 6 contributes to Health instruction in 5th & 6th.



The underlined courses above are considered academic subjects.  A pupil in grades 5-8 who fails two academic subjects for the school year shall be retained, unless the Superintendent of Schools grants a waiver.  Where appropriate the pupil will be notified no later than 3 weeks prior to the end of the school year. (Policy Regulation 5410)