Please See The Information Below Regarding Conferences !
“Grade 5 FALL CONFERENCE Process”
The Mendham Township Middle School Staff recognizes the critical role that communication between ‘home and school’ plays in providing an effective instructional environment for our children. For grade five students, it is our November “official conferences” goal to have all of our fifth-grade parents meet with their child’s homeroom teacher for a transition conference. The conference is a more general discussion about your child and how he/she is transitioning.
Please note that the fifth-grade team of teachers meet daily at 12:45pm and are available to meet with parents by appointment to discuss student progress at any time throughout the year. If you would like to meet with a specific teacher, please contact him/her directly. If you would like to meet with the grade five team of teachers please contact your child’s homeroom teacher. Teacher contact information is located HERE.
Fifth grade parents receive email notification that an on-line sign-up process has commenced in late October. There are ample conference slots for all parents.
If you have any questions or simply find this process overly cumbersome / confusing, please call the front office at 973-543-7107 x 2 and we will schedule a conference for you.
“Grade 6-8 FALL CONFERENCE Process”
The Mendham Township Middle School Staff recognizes the critical role that communication between ‘home and school’ plays in providing an effective instructional environment for our children. We also recognize that it is not possible to meet individually with every parent during our official three-day parent/teacher conference sessions scheduled for early November. However, please note that our grade level teams of teachers meet regularly and are available by appointment to discuss your child’s progress at any time throughout the year. Grade level team meeting periods regularly occur at the following times:
> 5th Grade at 12:45 pm > 6th Grade at 10:30 am
> 7th Grade at 9:45 am > 8th Grade at 8:20 am
The primary purpose of our November ‘official conferences’ is to facilitate meetings with parents of students who are experiencing difficulties in any aspect of middle school life. Hopefully, these meetings will coordinate parent / teacher efforts to ensure that each and every child at MTMS reaches his / her greatest potential.
*I highly encourage teachers and parents to include the student in the conference when appropriate!
The MTMS Grade 6-8 FALL conference process is as follows (5th grade is different):
1. “Teacher requested” conferences are issued to parents because the teachers feel a meeting is necessary.These requests are mailed home via USPS. “Teacher requested” conferences are schedule first via an online sign-up service – once all “requested” conferences are scheduled…
2. “Parent requested conferences” are scheduled via an online sign-up service on a first-come-first-served basis. If you are unable to schedule a conference during "official conferences" but would like to meet with an individual teacher or a grade level team of teachers, please contact your child's homeroom teacher to schedule a meeting. Grade level teams of teachers are available daily as follows: 5th Grade at 12:45 pm; 6th Grade at 10:30 am; 7th Grade at 9:45 am; 8th Grade at 8:20 am. Teacher contact information is located HERE.
If you have any questions or simply find this process overly cumbersome / confusing, please call the front office at 973-543-7107 x 2 and we will schedule a conference for you.
“Grade 5-8 SPRING CONFERENCE Process”
The Mendham Township Middle School Staff recognizes the critical role that communication between ‘home and school’ plays in providing an effective instructional environment for our children. We also recognize that it is not possible to meet individually with every parent during our official three-day parent/teacher conference sessions scheduled for early March. However, please note that our grade level teams of teachers meet regularly and are available by appointment to discuss your child’s progress at any time throughout the year. Grade level team meeting periods regularly occur at the following times:
> 5th Grade at 12:45 pm > 6th Grade at 10:30 am
> 7th Grade at 9:45 am > 8th Grade at 8:20 am
The primary purpose of our March ‘official conferences’ is to facilitate meetings with parents of students who are experiencing difficulties in any aspect of middle school life. Hopefully, these meetings will coordinate parent / teacher efforts to ensure that each and every child at MTMS reaches his / her greatest potential.
*I highly encourage teachers and parents to include the student in the conference when appropriate!
The MTMS Grade 5-8 SPRING conference process is as follows:
1. “Teacher requested” conferences are issued to parents because the teachers feel a meeting is necessary.These requests are mailed home via USPS. “Teacher requested” conferences are schedule first via an online sign-up service – once all “requested” conferences are scheduled…
2. “Parent requested conferences” are scheduled via an online sign-up service on a first-come-first-served basis. If you are unable to schedule a conference during "official conferences" but would like to meet with an individual teacher or a grade level team of teachers, please contact your child's homeroom teacher to schedule a meeting. Grade level teams of teachers are available daily as follows: 5th Grade at 12:45 pm; 6th Grade at 10:30 am; 7th Grade at 9:45 am; 8th Grade at 8:20 am. Teacher contact information is located HERE.
If you have any questions or simply find this process overly cumbersome / confusing, please call the front office at 973-543-7107 x 2 and we will schedule a conference for you.