
The Mendham Township School District is located in Brookside, New Jersey and serves over 700 students in grades K-8. The district consists of two NJ Reward Schools, Mendham Township Elementary School and the US Department of Education Blue Ribbon School for 2014-2015, Mendham Township Middle School. Graduates of the school district attend Mendham High School, grades 9-12, in our neighboring community. The mission of the Mendham Township School District, a caring, supportive and involved school community, is to provide all students with a comprehensive educational experience of the highest quality, in a nurturing environment, serving as a foundation for life-long learning and responsible productive lives.
While Mendham Township School District teachers have been dedicated to educating our students for many years, our approach to engagement continues to evolve significantly. Teachers and students now have equal and immediate access to a wealth of information and content. Although faculty members no longer hold exclusive keys to unlocking the world of knowledge, their expertise remains crucial in guiding our children towards that world. The faculty demonstrates a sincere passion for learning alongside their students, embodying a 21st-century approach to engagement.
In a century that places a high value on innovation, creativity, and invention, engaging students is of utmost importance. It is not merely a means to a successful future; it also offers immediate advantages in the lives of our students. Data from Mendham Township School District, as well as numerous other studies on student success indicate that genuinely engaged students tend to be healthier and happier individuals.
Mendham Township School District isn't just following the engagement trend; our teachers are at the forefront, leading the way. We are pioneers in the field of engagement. By encouraging our students to pursue their passions and giving them the freedom to shape their learning experiences based on their interests and needs, we aim to cultivate a generation of learners who are motivated by their love for what they do. Inspiring this thriving community of engaged learners is our primary mission. We are committed to preparing our students to actively participate in the world around them and, most importantly, to lead joyful, healthy lives where they are the architects of their own, authentic, self-determined success.
The district reviews, evaluates and revises curriculum on a scheduled cycle basis and adopts textbooks and instructional materials accordingly. Curriculum not only meets, but also exceeds the expectations set forth in the Common Core Content Standards. Class sizes are small, averaging less than 19 students per teacher, and the district offers unusually extensive support to differentiate instruction in order to meet the individual needs of each student. Exceptional academic achievement has been the tradition, a very sophisticated technology program, and a K-8 foreign language program help make the link to the future. Every effort is made to integrate technology into the academic program.
Students in the Mendham Township Schools are high achievers on standardized tests and function well on challenging and creative tasks in an orderly and safe environment. Students with special needs receive appropriate support and encouragement. Those who are between the ages of three and five are served in an on-site integrated pre-school program. Registration for the preschool program is also open to residents of Mendham Township on a space-available basis. All students are valued for their individual gifts and are continuously encouraged to explore learning opportunities that build confidence. For some students, providing a positive educational foundation means meeting individual needs with small group and individual instruction through our intervention programs, our resource centers, in-class resource programs, or the additional attention provided by our teacher aides. For those students in need, the district provides physical therapy, occupational therapy as well as speech and language services. As a result of these services being provided within the school, almost every Mendham Township child, no matter what their needs, receives their educational program in the local school.
The Mendham Township School District is most fortunate to have the support and cooperation of its community. Our schools reflect the community ideal, which supports the concept that individual student achievement and success is a cooperative effort between parents and educators. The Parent-Teacher Organization is an active organization, which selflessly donates time, resources, and financial support to our schools. They provide students with a variety of unique educational experiences through their Cultural Arts Committee which sponsors programs that demonstrate extraordinary talents and the Parent Network Committee, which addresses the needs of children and parents by offering speakers on current trends or topical educational and societal issues. The Mendham Township Educational Foundation funded the development of an Outdoor Learning Center at Mendham Township Elementary School. This 15,000 square foot learning center provides exciting extensions to traditional classroom learning experiences by featuring a native plant area, weather station, colonial garden with a cottage, bird and butterfly gardens, waterfall, vegetable gardens and fruit trees, and a simulated archeological dig site. The MTEF raised funds to enhance the District’s technology initiative by placing Smart Boards in our classrooms. In addition, the MTEF has continued its investment in District Technology through our Chromebook Integration Program and its support of our Special Education Programs through investment into our Middle School Self-Contained Programming.
The Mendham Township Board of Education meets on Tuesday evenings, twice per month and encourages community members to attend and participate. Information regarding our schools and staff, district activities, the annual calendar, Board of Education agendas, and relevant postings may be found on our district website www.mendhamtwp.org. Should you have any questions regarding any information in this narrative or would like to learn more about our schools, please contact Dr. Salvatore M. Constantino, Superintendent of Schools at 973-543-7107. Your continued support of the MTSD Family is greatly appreciated.