School Libraries
We are pleased to have thriving library programs in both our Elementary School and our Middle School. Students with access to libraries are better prepared for college and careers. Our libraries provide access to print and digital resources, positively correlate with school success, and develop well-rounded students.
Librarians positively impact literacy for all student and support students of all abilities and learning styles. Research proves children with access to effective libraries read more, and do better on reading tests.
Our librarians make dramatic contributions to from pre-kindergarten to graduation. Our libraries work in concert with teachers to impart a love of reading and literature and teach research skills.
For younger students, our librarians begin by inspiring a love of reading and exposing children to a variety of nonfiction and fiction books and literary genres. As students grow, the libraries use a scaffolded search strategy so that students build on their research skills every year.
Librarians work with teachers at all levels to enhance and support assignments that are integrated into the curriculum. At the Middle School, our students have access to comprehensive resource lists and collections, many databases, and a wide range of online resources.
Click on the logos below to visit the library sites for each school building.