Dear MTSD Parents/Guardians,
To access your busing information
It is located in oncourse connect under the "other student data" tab.
Please review the Rules of the bus listed below with your children:
- Observe classroom behavior. The bus is an extension of the school. Discipline will be treated as such. Cooperate with the driver.
- Be courteous to others. Use “indoor voice”. No profanity.
- No food or drink on the bus.
- Keep the bus clean. Clean up after yourself.
- Students shall remain seated, facing forward, and with their seat belts fastened.
- All bus routes will have a seating chart. Students must sit in assigned seats.
- Do not stand while the bus is in motion.
- Do not throw any objects out of the windows.
- Do not touch emergency exit devices, unless THERE IS A TRUE EMERGENCY.
- Students should report any problems, damage, or issues to the bus driver.
- Bus drivers will write up students for misbehaving. This report goes directly to the school principal.Any student earning a third write up will automatically be suspended from transportation for ten days.
Christina Kerekgyarto, Transportation Supervisor
(973) 543-7107 x 5002
Jennifer Minuche, Transportation Assistant
(973) 543-7107 x 5001