Fast Facts
The Mendham Township School District serves more than 700 students who speak 7 languages. The MTSD has 2 schools, one middle school (5-8), and one elementary school (prek-4). The MTSD is committed to ensuring that each and every student succeeds.
Every student, Every day.
Enrollment (as of October 1, 2019): 724
Budget FY 2019 - 2020
Total Operating Budget: $18,102,093
Per Pupil Cost: $22,101
Class Size - Average
Kindergarten: 17
Grade 1: 18
Grade 2: 19
Grade 3: 17
Grade 4: 17
Grade 5: 17
Grade 6: 18
Grade 7: 16
Grade 8: 17
Student Demographics (as of September 30, 2019)
Asian: 4.63%
Black: 9.32%
Hispanic: 6.00%
White: 80.05%
Countries of birth: 13
Teachers: 101
Advanced degrees: 87%
Other licensed staff: 22